Thursday, June 6, 2013

Staying Home Schedule

Since I've been staying home with the girls for the past 6 months, our schedule has changed a lot. When I was first home with them, I was very new to it. I also had a new baby!  We decided to keep Victoria home from daycare to save money.  I was planning on going back to work after three months, but ended up deciding to stay home.  The first few weeks were really hard because I was not used to being home with an almost three year old that much....let alone with a new baby to nurse all day long. Victoria felt very neglected and acted out for attention (and still does sometimes).  Isabella nursed 8 times a day at least in the first month!  Now, at six months old, she is down to about five times per day. This makes the day much easier. She used to eat every two hours, now its every four hours during the day and every two hours in the afternoon before bed.  I know someday I'll look back on these days home and wish I was back here again, so I wanted to write down our current schedule.  The first couple of months I didn't see how I could get Isabella to nap with a noisy Victoria running around...then I discovered I could put her down to watch Dora for a just a few worked like a charm!  Now that we're in a routine and Isabella is napping so much better, I have more fun with Victoria. We have time to play together while Isabella naps.  

5:30AM  : Isabella usually wakes up.  It varies every day though...some days she's up at 4:00, some days she surprises me and sleeps until 7:00!  If it's really early, I take her to bed with me and nurse her until Victoria is up.
7:30 AM:  Victoria is usually up. I nurse Isabella before breakfast
8:15 AM: Breakfast
9:00 AM:  Isabella goes down for a nap. Victoria watches Dora
9:15 AM: I usually hop in the shower before Dora is over!
9:30 AM Victoria and I play. Lately we go outside because it's so nice out!
10:30 AM:  We wake Isabella up. She likes to nap!  We just started going for a quick walk at this time. I love getting outside with them!
11:00 AM:  Isabella nurses on one side.
11:30 AM: I start lunch with Victoria.
12:00 PM:  I feed Isabella on the other side
12:30 PM:  We play for a little bit and read a story
1:00 PM:  Nap time for both girls
2:30 PM:  Victoria is usually up. We play until Isabella is up. Usually outside
3:30 PM:  Isabella is usually up. I nurse her.
4:30 PM:  Jason is home from work if he's not working over time
5:30 PM:  Dinner.  I nurse Isabella at this time usually
7:30 PM:  Isabella nurses again on both sides before bedtime
8:30 - 9:00 PM:  Bedtime.  Jason and I go to bed shortly after...he gets up early for work, and I never know if Isabella is going to sleep 7 or 9 hours!

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